Top Namecheap alternatives

Are you looking for a Namecheap alternative domain registrar, web hosting company, or email hosting service provider? Below, we’ve shared the list of top alternative services you can use.

Alternatives for shared hosting

NC has launched three shared hosting plans. If your hosting is about to expire, but you don’t want to renew your subscription, you can switch to one of these three shared hosting service providers:


Hostinger has one of the cheapest shared hosting plans on the internet. The company might be selling the subscription at a heavily discounted price, but that doesn’t mean that their hosting quality is low. The Hostinger plan we’re talking about is the Single Shared Hosting plan which costs only 1.39 dollars. The 1.39-dollar server has 30GB of storage memory, and the subscription supports 10000 monthly visitors. It does not ship with a free domain.


Dreamhost has launched two shared hosting packages – Starter and Unlimited for 2.59 and 3.95 dollars, respectively. Here are the differences between these two plans:

  • The Starter pack supports a single website, and the Unlimited plan lets you launch 1+ websites.
  • The unlimited pack lets users create unlimited professional email IDs.

DreamHost provides a free domain to the buyers of the Unlimited and Starter hosting subscription. It supports IPv6 and lets users set up cronjobs and log in to the server with SSH.

Hostgator and Bluehost

If your Namecheap hosting package was priced between 2.5 and 4 dollars and you’re looking for an alternative to this plan, you can purchase the Hostgator Baby plan or the Bluehost Plus/Choice plus subscription. These two packs of Hostgator and Bluehost let their users create unlimited sites and come with a free domain. They also offer unlimited storage memory and have no bandwidth restrictions.

The Baby plan is cheaper than the Bluehost Choice Plus or Plus subscription. It costs 3.50 dollars only and is enabled with free daily site backups. One interesting fact about Hostgator and Bluehost is that the parent company of these two web hosting companies is Endurance Group.

Alternatives for domains

When your TLD is nearing the expiry date, and you find the renewal fees of Namecheap expensive, there’s no harm in switching to another registrar. If you make a switch, you’ll save some money. Here are the registrars to which you can transfer your domains:


Hover is a subsidiary of Tucows Inc, and Tucows is one of the oldest Internet companies. It is older than Google and Namecheap. The company’s domain registration charges are higher than that of NC, and like NC, the after-sales support offered by the company is top-notch.


Porkbun is one of the cheapest registrars. The best thing about this registrar is its pricing for registering and renewing a domain is the same.


One of the several services Cloudflare offers is domain transfer and registration. As in Porkbun, the company’s charges for registering, transferring, or renewing a .com, .net, and other extensions are the same. The only thing that you may not like about Cloudflare is that you can use transfer or register a TLD only if you use Cloudflare Nameservers.

Cloudflare, Hover, and Porkbun support two-factor authentication, and they protect the user’s TLD by activating the domain privacy shield for each TLD user registers.

Alternatives for VPS hosting

If you’re using the Namecheap unmanaged VPS hosting, here are the two hosting companies you can use:


In my perspective, Hetzner is the best cloud hosting service provider. It is the leading cloud hosting service provider in the EU region and has recently introduced another region, the United States. Hetzner lets you create and manage DNS zone files with the help of a GUI and offers servers with good specifications for a price starting at 3 Euros. Hetzer lets users activate daily site backups and enables users to create a snapshot.


DigitalOcean is a fast-growing cloud hosting company that offers 100s of server configurations priced between 5 and 100 dollars. DigitalOcean also offers a CDN service called Spaces which enables users to attach storage blocks to their servers.

DigitalOcean and Hetzner support 2FA and offer a cloud firewall tool. They support various server operating systems and provide a 1-click application installer tool.

Managing an unmanaged server is not an easy task for someone unfamiliar with Linux. Thus, if your WordPress site was hosted on Namecheap VPS, you can purchase a managed hosting plan from the following companies:

WP Engine

WP Engine includes ten premium StudioPress themes with their managed WP hosting plans. The plans of WP Engine support 25000 to 400000 monthly visitors and offer 10GB to 50+ GB storage memory. WP Engine updates the PHP and WP Core on the server when new updates are available and enables CDN for each site they host. WP Engine enables its users to test the performance of their WordPress site pages, and lets users activate their custom-built caching service.


This company offers managed DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, Google Cloud, and AWS hosting plans for a price starting at $10. Each plan comes with dedicated resources and offers a staging environment. The servers managed by Cloudways are enabled with an Advanced caching system and support SFTP/SSH access. They are self-healing and back up your website automatically every day.

Alternative for email hosting

You’ll find many email hosting service providers on the internet, but none of the company’s pricing can match the plans of Zoho. Zoho Mail Lite is not only affordable but also feature-packed. For just 10 dollars per year, you get an anti-spam function-enabled mailbox. Zoho Mail Lite plan lets users create unlimited mail addresses. Before creating an email alias, you’ll have to add your domain to the Zoho dashboard. The Lite package supports email routing and email recall functions. It lets you attach files of up to 250 MB in size to mails.

As you can see above, there are several Namecheap alternative mail, shared, VPS hosting service providers, and domain registrars.


Pramod is the founder of wptls. He has been using WordPress for more than nine years. He builds web applications, and writes about his experiences with various WP products on this site.

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