Category Plugins


6 Best WordPress WebP plugins

WebP is a new generation image format created by Google and supported by all popular web browsers. If images on your website are not optimized or compressed, website speed testing tools will display a warning to serve images in next-gen…


5 Best WordPress migration plugins

For some reason, users may want to migrate their sites from one company to another hosting company. Transferring a WordPress site takes some time, no matter how much experience you have as a developer, administrator, or use of the WP…

Divi page builder

5 Best Elementor alternative page builders

Elementor is one of the finest page builder plugins. Still, if you find it bloated or you’re looking for a page builder extension that offers only those features you require, you can use the following Elementor alternatives on your WP…


Best WordPress directory plugins

A directory website is one of the many things you can create with WordPress. Creating it with WordPress is relatively easier than building it from scratch. Building such a website from scratch isn’t easy because you not only have to…

Appointment Hour Booking plugin

Best WordPress appointment plugins

Some businesses or professionals can handle several customers simultaneously, but some require face-to-face talking. Operating such a business is impossible if one person manages the business and two or more people are talking simultaneously. For example, a doctor can attend…


NextGen vs Envira: Which gallery plugin is better?

Images are a vital part of a website. They can make a WordPress post more informative. WordPress lets you insert a single image in the post. You can also insert several pictures with the help of a feature called “gallery”.…

MailPoet new form

MailPoet review

You’ll find several email marketing services on the Internet, and WordPress supports integration with each service with the help of plugins. If, for some reason, you don’t want to use a third-party mailing service, you can use MailPoet. This WP…

Jetpack Analytics

Best WordPress visitor tracking plugins

Keeping track of website users is very important. If you don’t do so, you won’t know how many people have visited your website. People may send you inquiry emails regarding advertisements, or you may apply for affiliate programs or may…

W3 Total Cache alternatives

Best W3 Total Cache alternatives

Are you looking for a W3 Total Cache alternative to improve the page speed score of your website? Here, we’ve shared five excellent alternatives to W3TC. Why use a W3TC alternative? Well, although W3TC has more options than any of…

WP Cron Status

Best WordPress cron job plugins

WordPress content management system has a cron system built-in. For those who are new to the term “corn”, “jobs” are nothing but tasks scheduled by WP, plugins, themes, or the three of them. For example, a backup plugin can run…