Why is WordPress the best cms?

Several content management systems have been launched ever since the internet was invented. Very few CMSes have survived. WP leads the pack of content management systems that have survived. Although Blogger, Joomla, and Drupal are some of the oldest content management systems, their usage is significantly lower than that of WP. What’s special about WP? Why do people prefer WP over other blogging platforms? Why do people call WordPress the best CMS? Here are the reasons that make WP a great content management system:


The WP repository has 4000+ free themes. The great thing about these WP themes is that the WP content management system doesn’t restrict you from using one or two templates. If you don’t like the current WP template you’re using, you can change it with a few clicks of a button. The Gutenberg editor and page builders available in the WP repository make it possible for users to build any website within minutes or hours.


As of today, the WordPress repository has over 54000 plugins. WP content management has plugins for all types of sites. For example, if you’re building a business site, you can use a slider plugin to decorate the homepage of your site with a slideshow. Each plugin is linked with a tag.

The tags make the task of finding WP plugins easy. For example, the WP repository will show all SEO plugins if you click on the tag “SEO”. Similarly, if you click on the tag pagespeed, the WP plugin repository will show all pagespeed plugins. The tags are present only on the official listing page of the plugin. Finding plugins would have been a lot easier if the repository’s homepage had shown the important tags.

The WP theme and plugin listing page have a rating system. The rating system helps users in finding good plugins and themes. If the item’s rating is poor, you can try it out in a localhost environment to check if the item works as expected or not. If the item has good ratings, you can start using it on your WP site.


Many people may not like the Gutenberg editor, but I’m a great fan of it. Because of the Gutenberg editor, users don’t have to rely on heavy third-party page builder plugins to design and build pages. Gutenberg was released for WordPress users in December 2018.

Since 2019, each time Automattic INC has released a new version of WP, a new module or feature has been added to Gutenberg. The editor currently has each element required to build a business, one-page WP site. It has one limitation of not letting users build/design post templates. We expect the Gutenberg team to add this feature to the editor in the coming months or years.

Excellent support by developers, other users

WP has a well-designed forum on which anyone can post their query or seek help on a plugin/theme issue. The forum post you create will appear in the plugin/theme listing page’s forum. If the developer doesn’t reply to your question, the issues resolved progress bar that appears on the page won’t update.

Developers will respond to the queries to ensure that anyone who wants to try or use their product won’t back out after finding that the developer isn’t keen on fixing/providing support to their users. The progress bar will be updated if the developer doesn’t respond to the query, but another user does, and your issue is resolved.

Publishing new themes and plugins is easy

It doesn’t matter whether the plugin or theme you’ve built has a single function or hundreds of functions, if it is built according to the guidelines, it will be approved and published in the WordPress repository.

ThemeForest, one of the biggest template/plugin marketplaces on the web, discards the plugin which they think is not fit for their site without sharing any reason and prevents you from submitting the same plugin once again. This is not the case with WP. When a plugin has some issues, the team that reviews the newly submitted plugins will highlight the issue and share tips on fixing it.


Pramod is the founder of wptls. He has been using WordPress for more than nine years. He builds web applications, and writes about his experiences with various WP products on this site.

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