Category Tips

WordPress theme not displaying correctly

How to fix WordPress theme not displaying correctly issue?

WordPress theme not displaying correctly is a serious issue. If you don’t fix this issue, the website visitors may leave your website without going through your content. When visitors leave the site without exploring the site, the website’s bounce rate…

Google Page Experience report LCP issue

Fixing LCP issue: Longer than 4s or 2.5s in WordPress

The latest edition of the Google Pagespeed Insights tool measures three important metrics of a website- LCP, CLS, and FCP. LCP stands for largest contentful paint. CLS and FCP stand for Cumulative Layout Shift and First Contentful Paint, respectively. LCP…

Google ReCaptcha

How to reduce WordPress spam emails?

WordPress has a great feature called blacklist for comments. When you add keywords to the blacklist, it automatically sends comments that contain the blacklisted word to the trash or spam folder. The comments won’t appear in the comments section, but…

PHP INI Sendmail

How to fix WordPress not sending email issue?

WordPress not sending email issue must be fixed immediately. If you don’t do so, you will not be able to use the “forgot password” feature of WP. Sometimes, you may forget the password of the WP admin. There are two…

WordPress logo

How much does a WordPress site cost?

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system, but you must purchase a hosting plan and a domain to install and use it. A WP site may also require things other than hosting and a domain. Below, we’ve shared…

Google Robots.txt tester

Is robots.txt necessary?

Robots.txt is one of the most-used files on the internet. It is found in the root directory of many popular websites. Is it necessary? It depends. You can control indexation using HTML meta tags, but some things related to a…