A domain is an important asset of a website. It can be worth a few cents or millions of dollars. Certain factors decide its value, and the domain value checker tools consider these factors to estimate their costs. Are the tools accurate? Maybe. A genuine tool will not simply display a random number on the screen. It will analyze the keywords, backlinks, etc, and many other things and generate and show the estimated price. Which tool should you use to check the price or calculate the price of a TLD? Here are the top domain value checker tools you can use:

Estibot considers 3 to 4 factors in deciding the price of the extension. The factors are the number of monthly searches, extension type, and the amount advertisers pay to advertise the TLD using the keywords in search engines. The number of times unregistered users can look up the price of a domain is 3. Some registrars use this tool. For example, Uniregistry’s domain value checker tool is powered by Estibot.
When you enter the TLD in Estibot’s form and click the submit button, the tool will show the dictionary keywords of the domain, the registrar, Alexa/Google Page Rank, the number of monthly searches the keywords receive, etc. The details will give you an idea of why the TLD is worth the price Estibot is displaying. In addition to these details, the tool also shows other extensions sold for a similar price.

GoDaddy is a reputed hosting company and registrar. However, its valuation tool isn’t the best. According to the tool, unregistered TLDs are priced at hundreds or even thousands of dollars. If you try to sell these thousand-dollar domains, you won’t even get 20 dollars. The appraisal tool of GoDaddy is easy to use. You have to enter the TLD name and click the “GoValue” button to see its price. Unlike Estibot, you can use the GoDaddy tool unlimited times.
GoDaddy considers these three things for estimating the price of an extension – the keyword’s popularity, length, and extension type. Like Estibot, it also shows extensions that people had bought in the same price range and some premium TLDs you can buy.
GoDaddy’s website features a marketplace where you can sell TLDs. The marketplace enables you to create auctions or participate in an auction. At a given time, thousands of expired or premium extensions are available for purchase on the GoDaddy marketplace.
PC Domains

PCD is another top tool for checking the estimated price of a domain. Registration isn’t required to use PCD, but you can see some interesting stats about the TLD and extension if you register an account. PCD shows the list of TLDs sold for around XX dollars and displays the year in which the same took place. It shows the keyword’s popularity over a given time according to Google Trends and a list of extensions you can register. PCD also shows these details of keywords – monthly searches, CPC, competition, etc and the current status of a TLD i.e. registered or unregistered.

Flippa is a platform for buying and selling apps, websites, etc. It offers a free valuation service. The valuation is provided by humans and not generated by a script. How to use the tool? Click on the “valuation tool” option shown on the menu and follow the form’s instructions. A bot powers the form. You’ll have to answer a few questions asked by the bot. Flippa is one of the top platforms for selling TLDs and websites. Thus, you can list your domain on Flippa if you think you’ll get a good amount.

Sedo is one of the oldest and largest domain marketplaces on the internet. The above tools have premium and free plans. The free plan will let you use the valuation tool for a limited time. Sedo provides paid appraisal service. If you think your TLD is valuable and you’d like to find out its closest price, you can fill out the “order an appraisal” form on the Sedo website and wait for a reply from the Sedo appraisal team. According to Sedo, the amount they share with you after their evaluation is based on ten different factors.

DI is another widely used appraisal service. It is similar to Estibot and supports seven lookups per day. It lets users download a free appraisal certificate and shows trademark risks associated with the TLD you’ve looked up with DI. DI also identifies the language of words in the TLD/ccTLD and makes you aware of the same. This feature of the tool helps you choose a better extension. DI also rates the domain and shows similar ones available for sale. It supports bulk appraisal.
Your TLD is worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. Will you get this amount after an auction or sale? You may get a higher or lower amount. The price depends on the platform on which you’re selling your extension and the appraisal value.
Are the tools accurate? Some might be accurate, and some may not.
Is verification required? No. You can appraise the domain of your competitor’s website using the tools we’ve shared above.
Is any fee required to join the marketplace? No. You can create an account on any marketplaces we’ve shared above. If you place a bid and win it, you’ll have to buy the domain. If you back off for some reason and don’t provide legitimate grounds for the same to the company’s support team, your account might be suspended temporarily or permanently.
Closing words: These are the best TLD valuation checking tools you can use. Most of the tools we’ve shared above offer paid and free plans. If you’re a domainer, you should check out the paid plans. If you want to sell a TLD and would like to know its price, you can register a free account or use the tool without registering an account.