Category Plugins


Best Google Maps plugin for WordPress

Google Maps is one of the most popular services on the internet. Millions of people use it daily to travel from one place to another, find nearby places, discover businesses nearby, etc. If you’ve created a WordPress business site, and…

WP Bakery elements

Elementor vs WPBakery

WPBakery, at one time, was the top page builder plugin. When Divi and Elementor were launched, its usage and popularity decreased. The latter one is currently the most used page builder plugin. According to the WordPress repository, it has over…

Thirsty Affiliates plugin review

ThirstyAffiliates review

One of the best ways to monetize a WordPress blog is to join an affiliate program. Once you join a program, you’ll have to use the links from the affiliate dashboard to monetize your site. When a reader of your…

WP Rocket settings

Autoptimize vs WP Rocket

If you’re using the WP CMS, you may be well aware of the fact that it is difficult to make a WordPress website faster without using a caching plugin. Two of the best WordPress optimization extensions are WP Rocket and…

Yellow Pencil plugin

Yellow Pencil vs CSS Hero

Free WordPress themes may be well-designed, but their elements may not look great. A plugin may add a powerful widget to your website, but the widget’s design is poor. In these two or similar situations, you can either use the…

SEOPress Wizard

Rank Math vs SEOPress

Rank Math is a popular search engine optimization plugin with over a million active users. It not only has good ratings in the WordPress repository but is also feature-rich. SEOPress, on the other hand, is a powerful WP SEO extension…

WP Rocket vs NitroPack

NitroPack vs WP Rocket

As website visitors expect the website they access to be fast, it is important to optimize the website speed. WordPress sites can become slow when you install plugins or use feature-rich WordPress themes that execute hundreds of lines of JavaScript…

CSS Hero plugin

Best WordPress CSS plugin

The world’s first web page didn’t have any styling. If the site has educational content, you will like such sites that have content and links to other educational pages only but if the site is built for non-educational purposes and…

Focus Keyphrase WordPress

How to use focus keyphrase in WordPress?

If you’ve used or you are using a search engine optimization WordPress plugin, you may have come across the words “focus keyword”. What are these two words? You may want the search engine to rank your article or website page…