Blogging is easy but choosing a company that will host your blog is not easy as there are plenty of hosting companies on the internet, and most firms claim to be the best among the rest. If the company you’re using has average or poor infrastructure, your blog might not be accessible at random times due to server or network failure, or it may not open quickly in browsers. You may have come across Bluehost while looking for a blog hosting option. Is Bluehost good for blogging? Let’s find it out!

Recommended by WordPress
WordPress core developers have recommended three hosting companies, which according to them, are perfect for hosting WordPress sites. Bluehost is one of the three companies they have recommended. Considering the popularity of WordPress, thousands of users may have chosen it simply because WordPress has recommended it.
Excellent support
Not many bloggers have a solid technical background and can fix server or website issues alone. A blog may encounter an issue that is not easy to fix. Instead of looking for articles on the internet that have a solution to the problem you’re facing, you can seek help from the Bluehost support team.
To get help from an expert, all you have to do is contact the Bluehost support team. There are three ways to contact BH’s technical support team: dial the company’s phone number, write an email to the firm’s official support email ID, and use the live chat tool integrated with the Bluehost website.
Plans are affordable
Cloud hosting companies such as Cloudways or DigitalOcean have confusing plans. They’ve introduced over two dozen plans offering a server with a specific configuration. The blog’s performance won’t be great if you choose an underpowered server. If you buy a plan that offers more RAM than your site requires to function smoothly, the server’s resources will remain unused most of the time, and you may end up spending a few extra dollars unnecessarily every month. For instance, the 10-dollar droplet on DigitalOcean has 2GB RAM. If you deploy your site on this droplet and your site gets few visitors daily, most of the RAM would remain unused throughout the day, and you will be paying $5 per month for things you don’t use.
Bluehost hosting plans are easy to understand. The shared plans don’t boast the amount of RAM your site will be allocated or the number of virtual CPUs your server will have, but their servers have excellent uptime and make your site function smoothly. BH sells these four shared hosting plans – Pro, Choice Plus, Plus, and Basic. The plans will cost you between 2.95 and 13.95 dollars per month.
You get control panel access
As Bluehost shared hosting plan users have access to cPanel, they can do things that only people with technical backgrounds can do without typing a command or learning to use the tool. For example, people who don’t use VPS or shared plans must type Linux commands in the Linux terminal or command prompt to manage the server, create backups, move or remove files, etc. cPanel offers tools for installing an SSL certificate, managing files, databases, etc. To open the tool in cPanel, click on its icon or name.
You get a free domain
Not many hosting companies run “free domain with hosting” campaigns. BH has been successfully doing so for years. With the shared hosting plans of the company, you will get a free domain for a year. Thus, if you’re starting a blog for the first time, you don’t have to find a .com registrar, as BH will give you a domain for free.
WordPress-based website builder
If you don’t want to install WP using the 1-click installer tool, Bluehost gives you the option of using its WordPress-based website builder. This tool lets you manage your blog content and gives you access to 300 attractive templates and a library of images you can use on your blog without paying a dime. Each website you build with the BH website builder will come pre-installed with Creative Mail, an email marketing plugin.
Some Bluehost hosting plans ship with a tool called Maestro. This tool enables you to manage multiple client WordPress sites from one interface. It allows users to create staging sites for theme/plugin testing purposes, find broken links on their website/client websites, monitor uptime, and more. It also lets you create and share invoices with clients.
Supports many software
WordPress is not the only software supported by Bluehost. The web hosting company lets you install a plethora of other software with the help of a tool called Softaculous. You’ll find this tool in the dashboard of your hosting account. How does this tool work? The tool shows a list of software categories on the left and applications on the right. Above the names of the categories, you will find a search box. You can either click the category name to see the list of software you can install with Softaculous or find the software using the search box.
You can create unlimited blogs
With WordPress or any other open-source software supported by BH, you can build unlimited sites as the non-2.95-dollar plan of Bluehost lets users host unlimited sites. Will you get a free domain for each WP installation? No, you will get a single free domain only.