Best Siteground alternatives

Has the storage memory on your Siteground server reached the threshold? Does your site get more visitors than the monthly visitors limit of SG? Is your SG plan expiring soon, and have no plans to renew the same? Below, we have shared six great Siteground alternative website hosting companies you can move your sites to:

a2 Hosting

a2 Turbo Boost and Turbo Max shared servers run the Litespeed webserver instead of Nginx or Apache. They are also enabled with Memcached, Opcache, LSCache, and A2 Turbo cache. A2 can scan the website installation directory to find malicious files and can quarantine infected files automatically. It also protects websites from DDoS and brute force attacks with a firewall.

If you don’t need caching, you can subscribe to A2 Drive or the Startup. These two packs are cheaper than A2 Boost and Max. The A2 Startup is the only plan of A2 that provides limited storage memory (100 GB). Unlike Siteground, websites hosted on A2 can have unlimited monthly visitors.

Advantages of A2 hosting over SG:

No monthly visitors limit: The costliest shared subscription of SG supports 400k visitors per month. Sites hosted on A2 shared servers can have unlimited visitors.

No storage memory limit: A WordPress post may have images. The size of the wp post table and the size of the WP uploads folder increases when you publish a post or page. Although SG enables you to switch plans, what if the size of your website reaches 39 to 40GB? 40GB is the maximum supported storage memory by shared servers of Siteground. A2H machines don’t have a storage memory limit.

Better caching: Some of the A2 plans support the LS Cache plugin. LSCache is a feature-rich page caching plugin with a CCSS function. Although SG servers are enabled with caching, their SG optimizer plugin doesn’t generate critical CSS.


Bluehost managed servers are costlier than SG Startup, Growth, and GoGeek ones, but they offer features that SG doesn’t provide. For example, Managed Bluehost subscription users get the Premium Jetpack subscription. They also enjoy the free malware removal service of Bluehost at no additional cost. Bluehost uses a custom-built multi-layered caching system to reduce the loading time of websites hosted on their Managed WP servers. It also enables you to activate a CDN for your sites.

According to Bluehost, the CDN service it uses has more than 190 PoPs. The pages of your site will be cached in various countries of the world. In addition to managed WP hosting plans, Bluehost sells four shared packages – Pro, Plus/Choice Plus, and Basic. These plans don’t cache the site’s pages or offer a free malware removal service. They are a lot cheaper than BH managed packs.

Advantages of Bluehost over SG:

Premium Jetpack subscriptions: Jetpack Premium subscriptions are costly. You can get its free subscription at no additional cost if you buy a managed server from Bluehost. You can learn more about the plans in our Jetpack vs Wordfence article.

Extra tools/services: Excluding the Basic plan, Bluehost offers $200 Google Ads/Bing Ads credit for free. The managed plans of the company let you activate the powerful SiteLock CDN system. Grow and Scale machines ship with Business review and Bluehost SEO tools. The costliest managed WP server of Bluehost supports PayPal integration, unlimited video compression, and Elastic Search technology.


InMotion is another company on this list of Siteground alternatives that support server-level caching. Like A2, it is one of the few firms that enable page caching for some of their shared plans. The plans we’re talking about are Pro and Power.

The Power and Pro Inmotion shared servers are great alternatives to the three shared servers of SG and A2 Boost and Max servers. They are affordable and let you host websites with any number of monthly visitors. The Power/Pro Inmotion machines are powered by Advanced caching and provide unlimited SSD storage memory.

Advantages of Inmotion over SG:

Hack protection: InMotion is one of the few companies that scans the files of websites hosted on their shared servers for security issues and applies a patch to fix the problem.

Caching: InMotion shared servers are powered by a custom-built technology called UltraStack. Caching is enabled for half of the plans of the company.

PHP 8.0: InMotion is the only well-known shared hosting company that supports PHP 8.0.

Marketing credits: You get free marketing credits when you buy one of the four shared plans of InMotion.


Dreamhost managed hosting servers are good alternatives to the Siteground shared servers. Like Bluehost and A2, Dreamhost has built its own caching system and has implemented the same on its managed servers. The DreamPress plan is priced $4 more than the GrowBig server and offers 30GB of storage memory. It provides a WordPress website builder tool (BoldGrid Website Builder).

If you find the managed servers of Dreamhost expensive, you can purchase the Dreamhost WordPress Starter and Unlimited subscription. The WordPress unlimited plan supports unlimited WP sites, and the Starter subscription pack supports 1 WP website only.

Dreamhost advantages over SG:

On-demand backups: The Dreamhost managed server users can create a website backup anytime.

Unlimited storage and visitors: Dreamhost shared plans have unlimited SSD storage memory, and the websites they host can have unlimited visitors.

WP Engine

WP Engine is another managed WordPress hosting company we recommend to users looking for a Siteground alternative. Like A2 Hosting and Bluehost Managed plans, WP Engine lets users activate their custom-built caching and CDN for their sites. WP Engine plans come with Premium WordPress templates designed and built by leading WP theme development company StudioPress.


Kinsta is another excellent choice when it comes to the Siteground alternative. It lets you host your site in 29 countries and enables CDN for the website to make it blazing fast. Each plan of Kinsta is enabled with the Cloudflare Enterprise service. Your site will be powered by PHP 8.0 instead of an old version of PHP.

Advantages of Kinsta and WP Engine over Siteground:

Highly secure environments: The servers of WP Engine and Kinsta and protected by world-class enterprise-grade security systems.

Premium themes (WP Engine only): You get 10 Premium StudioPress themes worth 500+ dollars with each managed hosting plan of WP Engine.

Closing words: These were the best Siteground alternative companies you can move your websites to. One of the reasons why people buy SG plans is that each server of this company is enabled with caching. Each firm we’ve shared above can cache pages on its servers without making users install any plugins. They also back up the site’s data daily.


Pramod is the founder of wptls. He has been using WordPress for more than nine years. He builds web applications, and writes about his experiences with various WP products on this site.

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